Thursday, March 20, 2008

a room of one's own

The week before last I straightened the upstairs bedroom that I call my sewing room. While this room does hold a sewing machine and sewing supplies, it is really, of course, a knitting room, and I am very lucky to have it. It is a small room with two windows that was used as a child's room by the first owners of the house. We have lived here more than 20 years, and since we have only one child, we gave her a larger room, and I have always been able to use this room for myself. It has features that make it especially suitable for my purpose.

The two photos above move from right to left along one of the room's long walls. The original owners had a dresser, desk, and cupboard built into the room. These are premanent features of the room, and these, along with many other built-ins in other rooms, are what sold us on this house. The dresser and desk drawers hold yarn and supplies, and the bookcase holds most of my knitting book library.
The long wall opposite the built-ins has my daughter's old school desk, which holds yarn, etc. and a second bookcase for knitting books. This bookcase is a recent addition, also formerly my daughter's, and holds stitch dictionaries and books about technique.
A closet with built-in shelves holds more knitting magazines and papers above and yarn, mostly oddballs, in bins below. This room also has my most prized possession:A shadowy photo, but it shows an embroidery done in the 1930s by the aunt who taught me how to knit.

In cleaning my room, I found nine duplicate knitting magazines that I will be happy to give away. They are Interweave Knits: Summer 98, Fall 98, Winter 98, Summer 99, Spring 00, Winter 06; Knitters: #53 (Winter 98), #57 (Winter 99) ; Vogue Knitting: Men's Special Issue, 2002. Email me at I can send you scans or answer questions. If you have the following issues to swap, sell, etc., these are the ones that are missing from my collection: Interweave Knits: Summer 97, Winter 00/01; Knitters: #31 (Summer 93).


Wool Enough said...

What a fabulous room! Do you work mostly at the desk in front of the window? That's the spot I'd pick.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I love blogs with great photos!

Anonymous said...

I am so envious! my knitting room is a part of the garage, overflowing with books and magazines in no particular order and invaded by all the stuff that takes over a garage (minus a car). I have high hopes for my upcoming empty-nest years!

Carrie Ann said...

I love that room! Also the shade of blue is really nice. what a great place to knit and/or read!
-from Chippylibrarian